Monday, April 4, 2011

European Podium Training Videos

Aliya Mustafina- She is using her tumbling passes from last year, but still has that Spanish music from the American Cup. This routine is so easy for her. Maybe she will do her more difficult tumbles during the actual competition. She has added in a beautiful switch ring leap and attempted a quad turn or Gomez. Once again this is a very easy routine for her and you can tell because she does it beautifully. Her only error was that she opened up to early on her double arabian and took two steps backwards.

Beth Tweddle- O M G! She is looking like quite the mess. She over rotates her double arabian, but lands in a squat and takes three steps forward and goes completely of the floor area. She had the same problem with her double arabian piked, but did controll it and stayed in bounds. Her dance is O.K. I guess, but it's nothing amazing. But her double turn at horizontal is an insult to dancing in gymnastics. And her final pass was a 2.5 punch front lay out and once again steps out of bounds. A very poor routine from our reining European Champion. Will she even make the floor finals???

Claudia Menendez- This girl is the WHOLE package on floor. She is a super powerful tumbler, but has some really nice dance. She may not have the the best split, but she does do a Gomez and makes it  completely round. She opens with a big and clean piked full- in. And then she does a 1.5 to a 2.5 punch front! Then she goes into her dance series. Then she basically walks into a triple full. Will we ever see a 3.5 from her? She is totally capable of it. And to finish, she does a full- in with a lift up spot from her coach. This is a huge routine. Will she be a surprise medalist on floor? I hope so!

Here is a link to amc81's youtube page for the videos. I will talk about more routines as they are posted.


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