Friday, July 22, 2011

Legacy Girls can Swing

So we all know that Macko Caquatto is one of the best uneven bar workers in the US. That is one of the main reasons why she was picked for last years World Team. But her two teammates Anna Li, and her sister Bridgey, can swing just as good as her, and even better. Anna Li has A 6.2 SV, the same as Macko, and is working on some big upgrades. Right now she is doing a hop full geinger combo. but she is changing the geinger into a Shushunova, or a full twisting tkatchev, which would bring up her SV by .4 and up to a 6.6. And Bridgey is just as good, with having a 6.5 SV. She has very unique combinations, such as a stalder full- maloney half, the same combination as Aliya Mustafina. And a toe on full- Ricna combo. Bridgey is also very good on beam and vault. she does a double twisting Yerchenko, and a tucked brandi- Korbut combo on beam. But her floor is vague, her coach Wu Jiani, says that she will be doing a simpler routine at the Classics. We can only wait and see how the Legacy Elite girls do at the Covergirl Classic and Nationals, but I won't be surprised if they do well, and one or more of them make the World team this year. Below is a link to a Legacy Elite workout video on Gymnastike, as well as all three of the girls bar routines.

Mackenzie Caquatto

I am so excited for the Classics!!!:) Can't wait!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Australian Nats Videos

Thank you Gemeanie for videos:)! Below is a link to Gemeanie's Youtube Channel!

Gemeanie's Channel-

Australian Nationls

Lauren has been dominating the Australian Nationals to nobodies surprise. She had the highest all around score day 1, and bettered it by about a full point on the second day. She has been scoring very low on floor though, scoring only a 14.00 on the second day and even lower on the first. Will the reining World Champion even qualify for floor finals? She still has three months to improve but she is definitely looking shaky on one of her specialty events. Here is a link to IG to read an article on the event and see the results for the senior and junior categories.
